The Review of Joker Danny 2
Joker Danny 2
Mosspaca Studio
Old Xian
Joker Danny 2
Joker Danny 2(小丑丹尼 2) is a next volume of Joker Danny 1. The authors of the book are the same as the first volume, ‘Old Xian’ (Old 先), and ‘Moss’(幕斯), who are the artists at Mosspaca Studio. They usually communicate with the fans via SNS, so if you want to know their news you can just visit their Twitter, or other China SNS they use.
Standard Book Size
Joker Danny 2 is a paperback book. It has 151 pages, and the size of it is the same size as the first volume.
It was written in Chinese just the same as the first volume. The table of list consists of chapter 9 to chapter 15 continuing from the previous chapter, and there are comments of authors and a short comic at the latter part of the book just same as the first volume. Every comic image was drawn in color, and most of all, the chapters continue from the chapters of the first volume, so it would be good to read the first volume first and then read this, so you can easily follow the stories.
Concluding the review
Joker Danny series, which was drawn by Old Xian and Moss was completed with 2 volumes. This manga was pretty impressive to me, since this manga had a pretty unique theme, characters with a strong individuality, high quality color comic images, and an amazing story that preoccupied me to finish the manga. Bottom line, this manga is worth to purchase, since it contains high quality comic images, which are decent enough to compare with other art works.
Note: Any comments about the grammatical errors, or any other minor errors in the reviews will be welcomed.
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